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Mississippi Coast Amateur Radio Association

Membership Meeting Agenda

     Date May 17, 2021


  1. Call to order at 7:00 pm.
  2. Prayer and Pledge by Bob WX5RJ
  3. Roll call of officers
  •            President: Ben McMath  W5SOF y
  •            Vice President: Jeff Wimmer W5JGW y
  •            Secretary:  Hank DeSandre  AE5WU y
  •            Treasurer:  John  Ryan  KJ4NJT y
  •            Activities Manager:  Bobby Allen KF5BA y
  •            Past President: Bobby Allen KF5BA y


  1. Reports

A. Treasurer

     (a.1) Report by John KJ4NJT. Motion by WX5RJ Bob and 2nd by Jeff W5JGW. Motion passed.

B.  Secretary

(b.1) Previous meeting minutes read. Motion by Bobbie KF5BA , 2nd by Jason AG5RI. Passed. 


C. Activities Manager

(c.1)   Mobile Ham Fest- Saturday

  1. Old business 


  1. Repeater Updates 

(a.1) Committee still looking for location Stu N5LBZ

  1.   Field Day

(b.1) Jessie KI5HUD -Please let him know what equipment you are bringing. 

(b.2) Motion by Bob WX5RJ to have a single meal at noon and the club provide $300. Motion 2nd by Bill KI5HZE. Motion Passed. 

  1.   Constitution and By-Laws – Doc N5AHM stated email will be sent out on June 7th and presented at the June 21st meeting for discussion and votes. 
  2.   New business 
  3.   Earth ground testing equipment to be brought to June meeting for recommendation and cost by Carl KA01BF. 
  4.   Motion by Doc N5AHM to purchase one filter for testing at this years field day. 2nd by Jesse KI5HVD not to exceed $300.00. Motion Passed. 
  • Motion by Doc N5AHM to purchase 50 GT5R radios at $25.00 each for new techs and to take the money from Sam's K3BY's donation at a cost of $1250.00. 2nd by Bill KI5HZE, Motion Passed.
  1. Technology Committee- Chair Norm WB4YBY, Doc N5AHM, Ben W5SOF, Jeff W5GW members.
  2. Jason AG5RI President of E.O.C. stated that every 2nd Saturday of the month there will be training at the E.O.C. from 7AM- 9AM. 

Motion to adjourn By Bobby KF5BA, 2nd by Jeff W5JGW. Adjournment at 8:12  P.M.