Mississippi Coast Amateur Radio Association
Membership Meeting Agenda
Date May 17, 2021
- Call to order at 7:00 pm.
- Prayer and Pledge by Bob WX5RJ
- Roll call of officers
- President: Ben McMath W5SOF y
- Vice President: Jeff Wimmer W5JGW y
- Secretary: Hank DeSandre AE5WU y
- Treasurer: John Ryan KJ4NJT y
- Activities Manager: Bobby Allen KF5BA y
- Past President: Bobby Allen KF5BA y
- Reports
A. Treasurer
(a.1) Report by John KJ4NJT. Motion by WX5RJ Bob and 2nd by Jeff W5JGW. Motion passed.
B. Secretary
(b.1) Previous meeting minutes read. Motion by Bobbie KF5BA , 2nd by Jason AG5RI. Passed.
C. Activities Manager
(c.1) Mobile Ham Fest- Saturday
- Old business
- Repeater Updates
(a.1) Committee still looking for location Stu N5LBZ
- Field Day
(b.1) Jessie KI5HUD -Please let him know what equipment you are bringing.
(b.2) Motion by Bob WX5RJ to have a single meal at noon and the club provide $300. Motion 2nd by Bill KI5HZE. Motion Passed.
- Constitution and By-Laws – Doc N5AHM stated email will be sent out on June 7th and presented at the June 21st meeting for discussion and votes.
- New business
- Earth ground testing equipment to be brought to June meeting for recommendation and cost by Carl KA01BF.
- Motion by Doc N5AHM to purchase one filter for testing at this years field day. 2nd by Jesse KI5HVD not to exceed $300.00. Motion Passed.
- Motion by Doc N5AHM to purchase 50 GT5R radios at $25.00 each for new techs and to take the money from Sam's K3BY's donation at a cost of $1250.00. 2nd by Bill KI5HZE, Motion Passed.
- Technology Committee- Chair Norm WB4YBY, Doc N5AHM, Ben W5SOF, Jeff W5GW members.
- Jason AG5RI President of E.O.C. stated that every 2nd Saturday of the month there will be training at the E.O.C. from 7AM- 9AM.
Motion to adjourn By Bobby KF5BA, 2nd by Jeff W5JGW. Adjournment at 8:12 P.M.